Welcome to Neufer's Mad Thoughts

Thank you for calling, er, I mean, thank you for reading the mad thoughts of me. If you are wondering just what the mad means, be it, ANGRY mad or CRAZY mad, well, that will probably just depend on my mood and what I'm rambling on about. Most of what you will read will be unedited, straight from my head to my keyboard and to your eyes so should I offend, upset or anger you, by all means, yell at me through the screen, leave me angry comments and feel better for doing so. I promise never to respond as I have found it's just not worth my time to respond to angry people I have never met. :) Have a nice day!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I made it!!

It's not midnight yet!!!  Well, today was a good day, a so-so day and a *heh* you can keep it kind of day, so in all reality a regular day.  Found a job I actually want to apply for!  Yeah!  Now to get a resume together, that's the hard, sucky part, used to be so much easier.  But I am going to have to suck it up and get it done cuz the deadline for the application is Monday and tomorrow is the last day of school for this week unless I want to head up there for the night class.  Which I don't.

The so-so part was just general every day stuff.  And the sucky part was doing taxes.  I'm not getting near the refund I got last year so my hope to go to Montana trip this summer is not going to happen, which really sucks but hey, what you gonna do?  You gotta pay the damn bills and stuff otherwise they shut it all off and then were are you?  In the dark like a mushroom and being fed the same shit as the mushroom because it's all you can afford. 

I could go by myself just for my class reunion but I"m not sure who would hurt me more if I did, my kids or my mom for not bringing my kids, but then again, we can party more without the kids.....................LOL!  J/K, I wouldn't dream of taking a trip like that without my kids.  I just have to find my rich sugar daddy and soon dammit!  Guess I better actually start going out in public again, heh?

Well, I have got to get some sleep, I'm so tired and I have a ton of stuff to do tomorrow!  Later all!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on the resume and job ... am sending some out myself. Sorry you won't be out this summer but know how it goes..we aren't planning anything other than just work.


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