Welcome to Neufer's Mad Thoughts

Thank you for calling, er, I mean, thank you for reading the mad thoughts of me. If you are wondering just what the mad means, be it, ANGRY mad or CRAZY mad, well, that will probably just depend on my mood and what I'm rambling on about. Most of what you will read will be unedited, straight from my head to my keyboard and to your eyes so should I offend, upset or anger you, by all means, yell at me through the screen, leave me angry comments and feel better for doing so. I promise never to respond as I have found it's just not worth my time to respond to angry people I have never met. :) Have a nice day!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I passed.......

My Microsoft Office Specialist Excel Exam!  What did you think I was going to say?  Yeah, that's what I thought. :)

I am currently in class but will finish this at home later.  I just want to say, I cannot finish this class soon enough, but evidently in order to receive that little peice of paper that will help me get a better paying job, I have to put in so many hours!  JOY!  I am done with everything that was a part of the course I signed up for and they don't have early graduation and you can't access a lot of good stuff on this computer, LOL, so I sit here bored most of the time.  They did give me some bank teller stuff to look over and more math to do but I don't get a certificate for that, even if I do complete it.  I don't know, we shall see.

Okay, it's later and I'm home.  Dinner was nice tonight, simple, easy, and quick. :)  Soup and salad.  Works for me! :)

Now, back to school.  I realized today just how irritating I must have been to a lot of people, going on and on about my personal life in public to anyone who would listen.  I'm not a mean person, mind you, really I'm not but I have come to realize that I don't need to share my entire history with anyone who will listen or people who I think might care.  I look back and realize I was just like the person in my class today.  She was out last week, in the hospital, having a pacemaker installed.  Now, this is serious business, I know because it was all everyone would talk about last week until I did a search on it and explained the procedure to them.  That is how this class works, they talk, gossip, chat and discuss to the point of no return until someone gets the facts for them with a quick search and then it doesn't give them anything to speculate about anymore.  Anyway, this is the woman who does 90% of the talking in class mostly about herself and today as I listened to her entire medical history (3 times no less) I realized that is just how I used to be!  OMG!  No wonder no one wanted to deal with me outside of work.  I must have been so annoying!

See, the difference here is you are not really a captive audience, you can at anytime click that little x in the upper corner, or that little home button or type in another web address and shut me up at anytime.  You choose to be here for whatever reason (Mom I can understand, the rest, thanks for being here).  And then some of the other things they talk about just makes me want to scream sometimes.  Today she was talking about her dog who might possibly be pregnant because she bred it to a friend's dog because they just know they would make really cute babies that they could sell!  Now, keep in mind that this is a woman who today admitted that her unemployment is the only income that is keeping her family afloat.  And then I overheard her make the comment, "Well, I did tell him that he had better have these puppies sold because I can't afford to keep even one."  It took every fiber of my will power and being not to shout out, "THEN WHY DID YOU BREED HER TO BEGIN WITH?"  Seriously, what is she going to do if there are complications during the delivery or one of the puppies or more are sick and need care.  I truly hate backyard breeders just as much as puppy mill owners.  The sad part is we have a pet store that will buy the puppies if they can't sell them, they just feed into the cycle.  And I've been checking into the regulations for pet stores and the one in the mall just may be in violation, I have to go check something out later this week.

So in conclusion, to those of you who think that breeding your cute little dogs is a great way to make extra money, do me a favor and go check out the  nearest 3 shelters to you and just look at what is there.  Read the paper about all the dogs that can't find homes, cute little dogs because that another person thought it would be a good idea to breed their dog for the money for the puppies.  Spay or neuter your pets people, leave the breeding to the professionals who have the facilities, the connections to sell them and the money to take care of them should there be any problems.  If you can't afford to have your pet fixed then check out the SNAP program here in Chemung County, you can access information here: Chemung County SNAP Program 
(Scroll down)

And to all my past co-workers, friends and any strangers I happened to meet and felt the need to share more information than you should have ever had to listen to, that I just droned on and on and on about me, me, me, my most sincere and abject apologies.  I think now what bothers me the most about this woman in my class is that I see myself and I still am working on it in person, but I think I'm getting better.   But again, I'm so sorry for my motor mouth and continuous spewing of my personal life to you.  No wonder no one ever wanted to play with me outside of work, I know I have no desire to deal with most of these people outside of school.

I'm getting better, in stead of talking, I'm writing, :)

1 comment:

  1. Yes you are getting better..proud of you!


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