Welcome to Neufer's Mad Thoughts

Thank you for calling, er, I mean, thank you for reading the mad thoughts of me. If you are wondering just what the mad means, be it, ANGRY mad or CRAZY mad, well, that will probably just depend on my mood and what I'm rambling on about. Most of what you will read will be unedited, straight from my head to my keyboard and to your eyes so should I offend, upset or anger you, by all means, yell at me through the screen, leave me angry comments and feel better for doing so. I promise never to respond as I have found it's just not worth my time to respond to angry people I have never met. :) Have a nice day!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

You're kidding right?

Because if you're not kidding then I have no choice but to view you as a flaming idiot.  Seriously, I don't understand what the big deal is of me posting a picture of me and two of my siblings from when we were kids.  I didn't put any other personal information out with the picture, I merely identified the other two people in the picture with me, nothing else, no dates, no locations, nothing else.

Yet one of the siblings, we won't mention names but let's just say the girls seem to be okay with the picture, is asking that I remove it because of information on the internet.  WHAT?  What information did I divulge about you beside the fact that you were once young and sorta cute?  OMG, that is just too much information about you!  Did I tell everyone anything else about you when you were little or growing up?  Not yet, but keep being a flaming idiot and I will be sorely tempted.

Seriously, this same person has a picture of themselves decked out in full fan mode for a local team givng the camera the finger, as an adult, something that could be far more damaging to their life now but doesn't want a picture of when they were little posted? I'm stunned, shocked and no wait, not really.  It fits in perfectly with this person.  They have been shadowing me on line for some time (yeah, it's easy to track you as well when you use the same user name for EVERYTHING!) to make sure I don't divulge any family secrets or such.  Well, guess what, keep being an idiot and again, boy will I be tempted............... In other words GROW UP already!  It's a picture, not even an embarassing one so deal with it and get over yourself.  If you are that worried about someone finding enough information about you to steal your identity or something like that, they don't need a picture of you as a kid to do that.

The picture stays, as is, and I have more that I plan on posting, so get over yourself and deal with it. Seriously, either that or remove me from your life and move on already. 


  1. Deannda, Calm Down! I feel the same way about MY pictures and images. You are in the wrong. It would've been different, if you'd Photoshopped her out; but you invaded HER privacy without HER permission. Choosing to violate your OWN privacy is MUCH different than having it violated WITHOUT your OWN permission!

    How would you like it, if she posted pictures of your children w/ their names, birthdates, and address? It's the same principle!

  2. Ah, but I did not post any such information about them, just the picture. If I had posted additional information or stories, I could see how they would be upset but I did not, just a picture with a tag to their own profile. These pictures are over 40 years old, are not embarassing in any stretch of the imagination and contain no vital information about the people in them.


Leave any and all comments that you wish, just keep it clean, no cussing or obscene language as those will be either deleted or edited for content. Thank you and have a nice day!