But I digress and get off track, which I have been known to do on many an occasion. Do I have ADD or something of that nature? Who knows and quite honestly, who really cares? I have been functioning for the most part without any real diagnosis of any problems and will continue to do so to the best of my ability as limited as that ability may be at times, LOL :)
So who am I? I'm a 47 year old woman who is trying to still figure out what, where and who she wants to spend her life with. I was married for 18 years before separating from my soon to be ex-husband, who I get along great with now that we aren't living together but quite honestly I got tired of having 4 kids, heck, I never expected to have 3 kids in my life but here I am and I wouldn't trade them in for anything. Okay, that's a lie, my first of many I'm sure, there are times I would trade just about every single one of them for some decent compensation, especially when they are getting on my last nerve, but overall they are good kids. They mean well, but they are still kids and after all these years, I can finally understand why my mother laughs hysterically when I call her with all my woes and complaints. She understands the concept of revenge and how if you are really patient, all the crap your kids gave to you will come around to them when they have their own. Nice mom, laughing in my time of need but at the same time, I completely understand. Now send the bottle of whiskey over and we'll be just fine.
As for my kids, I have 3, Melissa who is 17 and really starting to push her boundaries, almost to the point of getting pushed out of the nest early and told to deal with life, since she already has all the answers. :) Then we have Ellie, who is 14 and really, REALLY, REALLY hates it when I talk about her online so of course we must say something that will get her ticked off. Let's see, um..............nah, we'll be nice today. And last but certainly not least is my baby, James who is 7 and autistic. Now he is a high functioning autistic which means he walks, talks and interacts and is very intelligent, he just can't handle a lot of social situations and needs to be in a smaller classroom with fewer students. He pretty much gets away with murder and his sisters hate him for it and right now I am getting a lesson in dinosaurs because he loves dinosaurs and loves talking about them. That and he eats all the time. Seriously, he would eat 24/7 if I let him. As he likes to tell me, "I'm in a growth spurt mom, I need food." Yeah, sure, ALL THE TIME?
I am currently unemployed and going to school at Boces which is okay, it's a self teaching type class where they provide you the materials and you work through them at your own pace. It's okay but I really miss the interaction of talking with other students about the assignments and such. On the positive side of that I have already finished my books and am getting ready to take my Excel test and I still have 2 months to go. So they gave me other stuff to look over since I'm just so freakin' smart and fast! Okay, another lie but hey, who's counting? You are? Well, then, that's two lies in one blog, sue me! The truth is I took accounting and most of the material is stuff I have either studied before or have actually used in jobs so it was like a review for me. And the Excel is again, mostly review since I learned a lot of it with on the job training. And on the final assignment in the accounting book I got a 100! WOOT! A perfect score!
And speaking of WOOT, every time you say that word you owe my friend Raggmopp a nickel. He is the one who came up with that word many, many moons ago and it's taken off like wild fire on some sites. I owe him a butt load of nickels, which may not seem like a lot to most but when you see the size of my butt, well, it's a lot! And yes, Raggmopp is an unusual name, much like mine, but unlike mine, his is a chosen moniker he uses for on line purposes while mine is an original. I have to thank my parents for giving me such an usual name, the story is that supposedly there were two dancers on the Ed Sullivan show when my mom was preggo with me, Deanna and Deannda and they liked the name and stuck me with it. I really can't complain, well, yes I can and I did quite a bit when I was younger but now in the age of the internet I have to thank them because when you Google or Bing the name Deannda, guess who comes up the most on the first page? Go ahead, go check and see, I'll wait......::::insert elevator music, oh heck NO, insert Paramore Music here while waiting:::::::
Yep, on Google of the first 10 hits, 6 of them are me, if you enter my full name, Deannda Neufer; I am the entire first page and quite a few after that. On Bing, wait, I've never Binged myself, that didn't sound quite right, have you been Binged lately? Oh dear, better go check that out, hang on, be right back, here listen to some more Paramore or Owl City while you are waiting........................oh well, right now my internet is having issues, which don't really concern you since by the time you read this, it will be fixed and posted. So what I'm going to do now, rather than chance losing all I have done, I will copy, paste and save what I have written so far, then go cook dinner, which shall be chicken breast, cooked with garlic powder, onion salt, seasoned salt, zesty seasoning and mix that in with salad for dinner. Yes, on the rare occasion I get the urge to cook real food, go figure. So until later..........................
Well, it's later for me, not for you since you've made it this far but I went and Binged myself and if you just put in the first name it takes out the second n and brings up all this other stuff, but if you put in the full name, BOOM, there I am! :) So if you really want to know about me, just go Google or Bing me! :)
Good job daughter! Love, Mom