Welcome to Neufer's Mad Thoughts

Thank you for calling, er, I mean, thank you for reading the mad thoughts of me. If you are wondering just what the mad means, be it, ANGRY mad or CRAZY mad, well, that will probably just depend on my mood and what I'm rambling on about. Most of what you will read will be unedited, straight from my head to my keyboard and to your eyes so should I offend, upset or anger you, by all means, yell at me through the screen, leave me angry comments and feel better for doing so. I promise never to respond as I have found it's just not worth my time to respond to angry people I have never met. :) Have a nice day!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Spay Day 2010 Online Pet Photo Contest

I entered my Juniper in this contest. I lost him last year to Renal Kidney Failure. Every vote does cost $1 but all money is donated back to the shelters and rescue organizations that are holding a Spay Day 2010. So if you plan on making any donations this month, please consider this one and help my Bug help other pets get spayed and neutered so we can cut down on the unwanted pet population.

Here is his story (it's a long one, you might want to go the bathroom before you start or get a snack):

February 19, 2001

I went down to the city shelter a couple of weeks ago to drop off some cat litter that was given to me (not clumping so I don't use it) and was looking around at all the cutie dogs. There was an adorable Yorkshire Terrier there, so sweet and lovable.

The woman told me that he was visiting the area. His owner lives in PA and that some friends were watching him when he got away from them. She said the owner would be getting a big bill when he came back to get him. Turns out the dog has horrible teeth, needs major dental work and also has testicular cancer which the vet told her would be taken care of when he was neutered. The age on this dog is estimated to be anywhere from 4 to 8 years old. I didn't think too much else about it since he has an owner that would be coming for him.

I went back yesterday to drop off some newspapers for them and the little guy was still there! I asked what happened to the owner. I guess when he was told that he would have to pay for these medical treatments now and have them done or be checked up on 3 months to make sure the treatments were administered he told them to keep the dog! I couldn't beleive it!

I asked if there was anything I could do, donate money to his cause, etc. The lady told me that any money sent to the shelter is put into a general city fund and they never see it. The only thing I could do was either pay for the procedures and take the dog or help find him a home.

I can't afford to pay for the procedure (the neutering I could handle but not the dental) and I certainly can't take on another animal at this time, though is the the type of dog Terry keeps saying he wants.

So if there is anyone is this area that is willing to take on a sweetest little guy who needs a second chance at life, email me and I'll get more details for you if you want.

I'll try to get some pictures of him so you can see him.

The lady there is cool, she is still looking for a home for him even though the odds are against her.

February 20, 2001
Okay, went to the shelter today to see the little Yorkie. His name is Juniper and I took pictures, the link is at the bottom.

The nice couple in CT is very excited about getting him, but I have to wait until tomorrow to talk to Helen at the shelter. It will be her decision if I can take him before the medical procedures are done. Speaking of which that will involve pulling all his teeth, they are all completely rotted out (and the people who had him were feeding him HARD food! grrr) and neutering him to stop the testical cancer from spreading.

I found out the previous owner did call and when was told that there was the usual fee for springing your dog out of the pound (only $10 here) there was also a $101 vet bill that had to be paid plus he would have to provide proof that the dog was going to get the medical attention that he needed. The owner's response? "Well, if someone else is willing to pay all that and then give him back to me." ARGH!!! I was so at a loss for words when I heard that.

So I went out, opened his cage and oooooh my GORD! He's was so lovable! He climbed on my chest and just shook. HE was so scared I would reject him. I got the pictures and then just cuddled with him for about 5-10 minutes and then FORCED myself to put him back and not run out the door with him. *sigh*

I came home, called Terry to let him know that he didn't have run errands for his Mom, I already did that. I never brought the dog up, but HE DID! He asked if I went over to the shelter, I told him yeah. I caught him up on what was happening and he made the comment, "Well, if they won't release him without getting the medical treatment first we do have that money we set aside for Vegas and since we aren't going now......" You know something? I didn't know I could love him anymore than I already did. And then, get this, he makes the comment that if the dog has to stay in our house for any time there's a good chance we will get to attached to him and won't want to let him go. I said, "No! I'm a foster mommy now. That is how I see myself and that is how I can deal with this. I won't let myself get that attached." You know what his comment was? "I wasn't talking about you."

My how things change. Who would have ever thought I would be the one who had to be the voice of reason when it came to the animals and the number of animals we have and the cost of the animals and the care of the animals? Certainly not me!

SO, anyhoo, I left a message for Helen to please find out what the costs would be and then I will check with the couple in CT to see if they are willing to pay for that before hand if the shelter won't release him without getting the medical treatment first. And try to figure out a way to keep Terry from actually meeting this dog until it's too late and he's already on his way to his new home. OY!


February 21, 2001

Well, Juniper's future has been decided.

And guess where he's going.

I'll give you hint, Terry went to see him.

Will be $364 poorer by tomorrow but he'll be worth it

Here are the original pictures

Fast Forward 8 wonderful years later:

March 6, 2009

Take Good Care of my Bug Annie, kay?

::::Tissue alert:::

Today I sent you a very special little fellow, I’m sure you’ll remember him and know him on sight. Today I sent My Bug, Juniper to be with you and to wait for me at Rainbow Bridge.

As I'm sure you remember how fate brought us together 8 years ago. He was supposed to go to New Jersey but then...........

Then his future was decided when Terry went to meet him and called me all upset because they wouldn’t let him take Juniper that day because he still had to get shots. But come home he did to us on February 22, 2001. Skinny as can be, scared as can be but so ready to give and receive love.

Remember how the Pet Lovers came through for him, even though we could have handled the bills, people who I had never met stepped up and paid for all his medical bills and adoption fee. They all wished to remain anonymous but they all got a very lovely thank you note with a picture of Juniper.

I tried to keep my distance from him the first couple of weeks, remember, so he would bond to Terry. He was supposed to be Terry’s dog so I stayed away. But it didn’t work out to well, he drew me in like a moth to the flame only with much better results. It ended up with me saying to him all the time, “You are NOT my dog, but you can be my boyfriend.”

Juniper rarely left my side when I was home and if I was sitting down, he was right there. When I laid down he was right there, on my shoulder, under my arm, snuggling in for warmth and love.

He gained many nicknames over the past 8 years, here are a few for you to remember and call him by so he will feel even more love and welcomed. Bug was my favorite because he was tiny like a little bug, never did break that 4 pound barrier. A few others are Junibug, Jitterbug, Bug a Boo, Bubby and Hair ball (that was from his Aunt Trenna). He answers to all of them.

He blessed my life in so many ways, no matter where I took him, he was instantly adored and loved. More people offered him a home if for any reason I could not keep him. More people wanted to hold him, love him and take care of him. He was great with the kids at school and became the best hat (would curl around Terry’s head at night, looked like he was wearing a furry tan hat), scarf (loved laying across Melissa’s throat and keeping her warm when she was laying down) and Parrot Dog, could always be found perched on my shoulder when I was sitting or laying down. He brought together total strangers when we were in public, just because they wanted to pet him, hold him, love him. He was the best ambassador and representative for all the right reasons for adopting a shelter dog, especially an older on.

The only time he showed any aggression was shortly after James was born and he wasn’t sure about this new “dog” in the house but he quickly learned that the new “dog” was to be accepted and protected and he did that. He let James carry him around and play and love him as well before it was all done.

As he got older his eyesight started failing him, the once bright and beautiful eyes were becoming cloudy and gray but he still knew when ever I walked into the room and would always come flying to me from where ever he was. He didn’t run as quickly as he use to but he still came running until just a few days ago.

I had noticed he was slowing down, that his breath was not as pleasant as it should be, I knew something was going on but he never showed signs of slowing down until just last night and then today.

The part that really spooks me is the dream I had the other night where he was taken away from me and I couldn’t get him back, it was terrifying then and even more so now. And the fact that just the other day a lady at the school inquired about him and wondered if we had to find a new home for him as well since we moved and my comment was, “Juniper? OH GOD NO! Bug will die in my arms, I will never give him away.” Who knew my comments would come true in just a few short days.

Annie, we had 8 beautiful, wonderful and special years together on this planet. Eight years of love, laughter and sorrow. For 8 years he listened to me, let me cry into his fur, loved me when I felt no one else did, he was my best friend. He was by my side through all of it. Through the birth of my son at 40, through the failure of marriage, though the job changes, the life changes and never once complained or told me I was wrong.

Today I held him for the last time, I picked him up at 10:30 AM this morning and only let him go to get Melissa from school and so the kids could say their goodbyes. Today I told him, “Hey Bug, you know what, you win, you aren’t just my boyfriend but you are my dog and always have been from the first day I saw you. I love you Buggaboo.”

I held him when they wanted him weighed, he was down to 2 pounds 2 ounces. I held him when the doctor gave him a shot to help him sleep and stop his twitching and I held him in my arms when he took his last breath and his tiny heart beat it’s last beat. I held him for a few minutes and told him I loved him one more time and that I would always remember him.

So Annie, will you and Gussie please take extra good care of my little buddy? He will give you unconditional love and be more than happy to snuggle and keep a small area of your shoulder or head warm while he rests. He loves to run in the grass and absolutely adores belly rubs and when you rub his butt and tap it around. He loves treats and now that he is whole and healthy again, please give him that steak he’s been wanting for years, let him have anything he wants because he was the King of the Neuferland Zoo for 8 beautiful, wonderful and fantastic years. The King is dead and very much missed.


One very sad mommy

1 comment:

  1. Oh oh, I wanted to vote, I see the donation fee. I need to take every dollar towards spaying our dear Pounce (pouncer, pouncey), mamacat's smallest offspring. We need to go do this soon but I love you deannda and support your quest to keep juniper in the memory of thousands through your postings. love, joyce (and Pudge, Pounce, Kinky, and momcat)


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