Welcome to Neufer's Mad Thoughts

Thank you for calling, er, I mean, thank you for reading the mad thoughts of me. If you are wondering just what the mad means, be it, ANGRY mad or CRAZY mad, well, that will probably just depend on my mood and what I'm rambling on about. Most of what you will read will be unedited, straight from my head to my keyboard and to your eyes so should I offend, upset or anger you, by all means, yell at me through the screen, leave me angry comments and feel better for doing so. I promise never to respond as I have found it's just not worth my time to respond to angry people I have never met. :) Have a nice day!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Yeah ME!

Today was the first day since we started the EA Fitness 30 day challenge on our Wii that I was able to complete the ENTIRE workout, including squats!  WOOT!!! :)

I was sweating when I was done but I did it, even hit 9 out of 9 tricks on the inline skating on the first run!  I was the first one to be able to do all 9 tricks!  WOOT!!!!

I feel better about this and really feel motivated for the first time since starting.  It's a great feeling when you are able to complete an entire workout!  For the first time in my life I have broken the 300 pound barrier, not by much mind you but it happened and to me it's the wake up call to start moving more.  So now we are getting ready to go sledding, I will not go down the hill, but I will get outside and move.  SO I watch my baby and take pictures, cuz he's just so darn cute!!! :)

So I have to go now, you all have a great day!!!!

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